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MITU Countries Repressed by China

If you are from the United States and follow trade matters, you have likely heard that China engages in abusive trade practices. Our policy ideas,

China Grooming Countries for Influence

China’s strategic partnerships are evolving. While traditionally associated with countries like Russia, Iran, and North Korea, China is increasingly cultivating relationships with nations not typically

Trump’s Reagan Moment

During the Soviet era, Western leaders generally accepted the premise that the Soviet Union was going to be an ever-present threat that the West simply

Tariff everyone but Tariff only China.

Based on China’s mercantilist strategy to dominate the world by maximizing exports and minimizing imports, China strategically chooses its trading partners, favoring those who it

USA Could Collapse Russia without One Bullet or Bomb

Wars cause direct physical and economic destruction. However, other less obvious factors can also severely damage an economy. Experts, observing cases like Japan, understand that

Brazil’s Lost Decade: How to Escape It

Brazil has suffered from severe economic mismanagement for the past forty years. This mismanagement stems from a combination of factors: unfair competition from China, Chinese

Low End Manufacturing – China’s a Threat

“Bears make money, bulls make money, pigs get slaughtered” is a common saying on Wall Street and in the business world. It warns against excessive

Brazil Benefits if Trump Tariffs China

The truth is that many in Brazil, particularly the business community, would benefit from a trade war—but one specifically between China and the U.S.  Industries

Bomb the Fabs – Operation Paperclip 2.0

In a hypothetical scenario where China invades Taiwan, the global economy would suffer severe disruption. China and the Communist Party would gain control of Taiwan’s